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Reverse Engineering CAD / CAM / CAE
Prime Machines Engineering staff is available to assist you in many ways. They are skilled in "hands-on" project management. This gives them the background to make realistic decisions as to the best ways to accomplish the end result your looking for.
Solids model of  centrifuge parts
They are experienced with taking a project from concept to reality, and their broad experience base aides in making better designs, as well  as avoiding costly design mistakes that cost tremendously in production or operation of a product or process. This experience is also invaluable when it comes to Reverse Engineering, Re-design, or Retro-fit of a project.
Finished components after re-design and  mfg.
Reverse Engineered
3-d CAD model of high-
speed compressor wheel.
So whether your looking to take an existing design to reality, improve an existing product or process, Reverse engineer a part, or just have a great idea that you'd like to see come to fruition, Prime Machine is the place you want to be.
Finished product after
fab, machining, and assembly.
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